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Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Existence relies upon perfectly compatible opposites (see the Tao), paradox is the harmony, humour and death our greatest allies. Gratitude, Humility, Courage and Kindness are the weapons of choice!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Amathwasa – A look at the current trend of sangoma training by a dropout thwasa - Part 2.

The second element and dilemma of thwasa training is community.  In the traditional context, a thwasa or an apprentice healer is being groomed to be of service to a community and the community thus plays an important role in the training of the thwasa. 
The white garb, beads and other items serve many functions.  Whilst carrying subtle, symbolic meaning understood by a few, they play a more blunt task of alerting members of the community that this person is undergoing training, is restricted by certain behavioural codes, and is thus to be treated accordingly.  As he is being groomed to be of service to the community, it is obviously within their interests to assisst him where possible, formost by respecting his process.  Any mature spiritual path is one of genuine service and the relationship between a community and their traditional healer is therefore integral.  The community will be reflected in its sangomas and the sangomas will reflect the community.  They are in essence one, as a shepherd guides his flock.  His livelihood and sense of purpose depends on them, whilst their livelihood and survival depend on him.
Back to today’s context and one has a situation in which the concept of community is not clear.  A white boy from Cape Town being trained in the hills of Mpondo land is being trained for which community?  For his family and friends who have raised him and allowed him to grow into who he has become OR the village in which the sangomas lived who have recognized his abilities/predicament and have offered him a place to explore his shadow, which is ultimately what needs to be confronted for any real progression along a spiritual path?
The answer is becoming abundantly clear that the emerging community is increasingly a global one.  Youngsters model themselves on foreign cultures (anyone heard of hip-hop?), adults adopt business strategies based on international trade (how about Made in China?), families are spread across the globe, and religions are no longer restricted to geography or demographics.

but perhaps starting at home is where an aspirant thwasa needs begin, in our day to day lives, if we have the discipline, the will and the courage to take right action. 

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